Product Description
Kestrel 3500FW Fire Weather Meter – USA-Made, Comprehensive Fire Weather Data Including Wind Speed, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, and More – Waterproof, Floats, Includes PIG Reference Card, Ideal for Firefighting and Wildfire Management
The Kestrel 3500FW Fire Weather Meter is a professional-grade tool designed specifically for firefighting and wildfire management. Designed and built in the USA, this compact yet powerful weather meter provides critical fire weather data to ensure safe and effective operations in the field. It accurately measures wind speed (including current wind speed, average wind speed, and maximum wind gust), temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, pressure trend, wind chill, heat stress index, dew point temperature, altitude (barometric), and wet bulb temperature (psychrometric). With this essential data, the Kestrel 3500FW allows professionals to make informed decisions and stay safe when assessing fire behavior and environmental conditions.
Why the Kestrel 3500FW is the Ideal Fire Weather Meter:
For firefighting professionals and wildfire management teams, the Kestrel 3500FW is a critical tool that provides real-time, actionable data for understanding fire weather conditions. With precise measurements of wind speed, temperature, humidity, pressure, wind chill, heat stress, and dew point, along with the included Probability of Ignition (PIG) Reference Card, the Kestrel 3500FW allows you to assess fire danger and optimize response strategies. Its waterproof design and floating capabilities make it durable and reliable in challenging environments, ensuring that you have the right information when you need it most.