Trades, Construction and Industry

Construction and building trades require skill, knowledge and experience to deliver solid results. Weather can negatively affect even the best laid efforts. The Kestrel line of meters and data loggers provide a reliable, flexible monitoring solution allowing you to account for environmental conditions that cost you time, money and labor.
Tracking environmental conditions can help you achieve and maintain regulatory compliance and ensure optimum productivity, while also detecting early warning signs of potential costly disasters such as equipment or structural failure. Built-in job-specific calculations eliminate the need for reference charts or timely manual effort. Wireless data transfer capabilities make detailed record keeping simple and convenient to document and share with others.

Concrete Pouring & Placement

Plastic shrinkage cracks occur when the surface of the concrete dries rapidly and shrinks before it can gain sufficient tensile strength. When ambient conditions and concrete temperatures combine to produce conditions that create a high evaporation rate, the chances of the surface drying prematurely and shrinkage cracks forming increases. Use a Kestrel 3000 to measure the relative humidity, ambient temperature and wind velocity right where the concrete is being placed, then calculate the evaporation rate using reference charts. Even better, use a Kestrel 5200 and get a direct readout of evaporation rate. Either way, taking the steps needed to prevent plastic shrinkage cracking can save you thousands of dollars, and your reputation.

Recommended Products:

Kestrel 5200 Concrete Pouring Meter
Kestrel 5200 Kestrel 3000 Kestrel DROP D2

Coating, Painting and Bridge Maintenance

Bridges and other large steel structures are painted with coatings that protect the integrity of the steel and prevent corrosion. It is critical to monitor ambient temperature, relative humidity and dewpoint as well as the surface temperature of the steel to ensure good adhesion and proper curing. A Kestrel Meter does the job.  

Recommended Products:

Kestrel 5200 Concrete Pouring Meter
Kestrel 5200 Kestrel 3000 Kestrel DROP D2


HVAC/R system commissioning and verification can determine that a system is working correctly, or can identify a problem area in a faulty system. Volume air flow is a calculation based on the air velocity and the dimensions of the flow opening, and it’s one of the most important measurements HVAC/R professionals require. The Kestrel 5200 automatically calculates air flow in CFM, making the technician’s job easier and faster. Because it also measures the moisture content of the air, it is quickly becoming an essential piece of equipment for the dehumidification and mold inspection and remediation professional as well.

Recommended Products:

Kestrel 5200 Concrete Pouring Meter
Kestrel 5200 Kestrel 3000 Kestrel 1000

Home Inspections

A large portion of any home inspection will be dedicated to examining the heating and air conditioning systems. Quickly checking the consistency of warm and/or cool air in each room is as easy as entering the duct and holding a Kestrel 5200 in the air flow. The 5200 also logs data with the press of a button, allowing home inspectors to save data and review it back at the office when writing up their report.

Recommended Products:

Kestrel 5200 Concrete Pouring Meter
Kestrel 5200 Kestrel 3000 Kestrel 1000

Industrial Hygiene & Working Conditions

Industrial Hygiene professionals aim to monitor and protect the health of workers and the community. Kestrel Weather & Environmental Meters enable Industrial Hygienists to do just that by providing accurate, reliable information on field conditions. Kestrels are used to evaluate ventilation in hazardous materials remediation (e.g. asbestos abatement and mold remediation) where contractors must set up negative pressure containments using HEPA-filtered fan units.

Recommended Products:

Kestrel D2HS DROP Heat Stress Logger
Kestrel 5400 Kestrel 3000HS Kestrel D2HS Drop

Outdoor Workers & Heat Stress Safety

OSHA is campaigning to prevent heat illness in outdoor workers and reports that every year thousands of workers become sick, and some even die, working in the heat. In every instance, accurate and localized measurement of heat stress conditions is a key component of a heat illness prevention plan. The Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress Tracker answers this need.

Recommended Products:

Kestrel D2HS DROP Heat Stress Logger
Kestrel 5400 Kestrel 3000HS Kestrel 1000

Moisture Monitoring & Remediation

Environmental assessments require accurate data to properly inspect facilities and protect the health and safety of occupants. Kestrel meters and data loggers allow environmental health professionals to perform site assessments and quickly get a better picture of problem areas. Small, rugged, inexpensive DROPs can be left in every room of a facility to easily collect and log continuous data from multiple locations. Wireless alerts can be set up to notify onsite inspectors if readings signify any potential issues, allowing them to respond immediately. Data Logging and wireless transfer capabilities document job progress and environmental data that can be easily shared via email with clients and managers.

Recommended Products:

Kestrel 5000 Kestrel 3000 Kestrel DROP D2
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