Kestrel 1000 ハンドヘルド風速計による正確な風速測定


Whether it is a crane operator on the job site or a sail boat captain keeping track of the knots they are making or using the Beaufort scale to determine the strength of the wind, the Kestrel 1000 is your meter. The Kestrel 1000 is also a very handy companion to have when hiking or camping. Knowing your wind speed could help you in your decision making if hiking near drops and ridges. Wind speeds of 45-50 MPH could blow you off of your feet! That could lead to a serious injury on a ridge or a drop off. You will also want an accurate reading. You should consider how and where the meter was made. Having the knowledge that your meter wasn't mass produced in a sweat shop, on a mass scale in some country that doesn't have any legal fears of liability could leave you with a wind meter that will fail when you need it the most and doubting it's accuracy. Did you know that every Kestrel Meter is designed and built in the USA? Every Kestrel is tested for accuracy against NIST certified instruments before leaving the factory. The Impeller itself is wind tunnel tested at high and low speeds. The Kestrel 1000 will give wind readings from 0.3 to 134.2 MPH with a guaranteed accuracy from 1.3 to 89.5 MPH. The 1000 as with all Kestrel Meters is equipped with a user replaceable impeller so in a few years of use, just order another impeller. We have them here in our accessories section for $15.00. If you are considering a wind meter, be sure to keep the Kestrel 1000 at the top of you list. Here is a list of reasons:
- シンプルな3ボタンコントロール
- 高コントラスト、日光下でも読みやすいモノクロLCDディスプレイ
- CR2032コインセルバッテリー(平均寿命300時間)
- データホールド機能
- MIL-STD-810Gに準拠した落下試験済み
- IP67等級の防水(3'/1Mで30分間)
- ケストレル適合証明書
- ネックストラップ
- 特許取得済みのインペラおよびセンサー技術
- スリップオンプロテクティブカバー
- 時刻
- ユーザー交換可能バッテリー
- ユーザー交換可能なインペラー
- 防水&浮く
- アメリカで設計・製造されました
Kestrel 1000や当社の機器について質問がある場合は、お気軽にお尋ねください!